TEFL or teaching English as a foreign language involves teaching abroad in another country if you were born in a native English speaking country. Most teachers are recent college graduates who want to have fun experiences in a fulfilling environment.
Typically, a candidate must have some sort of relevant experience such as English tutoring, teaching abroad or volunteer work in a similar field. Though some jobs are available in missions or volunteering type settings, many individuals are given posts at internationally based schools. It can be a bit of a process to get hired, but most teachers would agree that it is an incredibility rewarding time in their lives.
First Steps for landing an EFL Teaching Position
To begin, you will need to complete a TEFL or TESOL certification. Once, getting a TEFL job was a fairly easy or simple process, but in recent years, these posts have gained popularity. As a result the competition has also greatly increased and schools are demanding a higher level of qualifications. They want professionals that have the training and skill sets to be successful in the new environment. Therefore, candidates take an EFL or ESL teacher training certification course of 100 hours minimum. After completing the class, you will need to pick the country you want to live in. Even if you are certified, there may still be other requirements that must be met, so do quite a bit of research.
After graduating from the training course
a) Seek teaching or volunteering opportunities that will prepare you for the job.
b) Work thoroughly on your resume; do not compile and send it in five minutes.
c) Include specific qualifications that are geared toward the ESL field such as fluency in the country’s native language, experience working with children, or adaptability to different environments.
d) Highlight the qualities you have that are in line with a perfect candidate.
e) Pay just as much attention to your cover letter. (Remember these documents will represent you in the first round of the hiring process so be sure to present yourself as qualified and professional.)
f) After you are done, get ready for the interview.
g) Find common questions and set up mock interviews with a friend.
h) Practice your response and be prepared to talk about yourself and the job.
Very importantly as well, is to update your passport and put in your visa application early if required. Visas can take months or encounter unexpected snags. Do not leave it for last or you may not be able to fulfill your job responsibility.
As you receive employment offers and contracts, read through everything very carefully. If you are unclear about absolutely anything, ask about it. Additionally, it is important to inquire about working visas or working permits due to the fact that not all employers actually assist with this procedure. You are going to move to a new country so you should feel secure in your job environment.
Once you start the whole process of getting hired for a teaching position, stay on top of due dates, make sure everything is clear, and proofread all documents. If you do this, you will have a very successful job search!
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