Save 50% on ITTO’s TEFL Store just this month!
Choose from a different array of ESL, EFL and Business English lesson plans, reading comprehension material, and handouts tailored for different ages and levels of English as well as Job Guidance e-books. We got you covered with special packages just for you!

Individual e-Books:
e-Book Kits
A Model Structure for A TEFL Resume
Create your own Resume in minutes! Just fill in and replace your own information and you’ll have a professional and ready to use resume!
Price: $25.00 USD
Code: onmod03
(Included in any TEFL Course) 84 pages of ready to use activities for students of all levels and all ages; perfect for brand new teachers or to freshen up your teaching career! Each handout specifies the level, duration, objective, and directions.
Some activities included are:
- The connection game
- Pronoun Mad-Libs
- Can you guess?
- The Excuses Game
- Parts of Speech
- Accomplishments and regrets
- Things you have done
- And many more!
Price: $50.00 USD
Code: oncom01
EFL ESL Activities – Business English
57 pages of activities, handouts, and tests useful for both Business English students and Business English teachers.
Activities include:
- Business English Vocabulary
- Business Expressions
- Business Idioms
- Effective Presentations
- Handling Questions in a Presentation
- Essential Language for Meetings
- Preparing A Presentation
- Purpose Of Meetings
- What Makes A Successful Meeting
- and many more!
Price: $35.00 USD
Code: onbuss05
EFL/ESL Activities – Idioms and Phrasal Verbs36 pages of activities and quizzes for Idioms and Phrasal Verbs ideal for intermediate to advance students featuring:
- 50 Common Idioms in Conversation
- Animal Idioms
- Food Idioms
- Mixed Idioms
- Mixed Phrasal Verbs
- and many more!
Price: $25.00 USD
Code: onidiom14
EFL/ESL Activities – Modal Verbs
19 pages of modal verbs handouts for intermediate to advanced level students featuring:
- Can
- Could
- Had Better
- Have Got to
- Have to
- May
- Might
- Must
- Ought to
- and Should
Price: $25.00 USD
Code: onmodal13
EFL/ESL Activities – Pronouns
11 pages of activities and handouts describing the:
- Relative Pronouns
- Reflexive Pronouns
- Personal Pronouns
- Interrogative Pronoun
- Intensive Pronouns
- Indefinite Pronouns
- Demonstrative Pronouns
Perfect for intermediate and advanced levels!
Price: $25.00 USD
Code: onpron07
EFL /ESL Kid’s Material
83 pages of games and activities full of images, ideal for young or beginner learners, including the following topics:
- Animals
- Can and Can’t
- Colors and Numbers
- Days and Months
- Colors
- Complete Alphabet
- Shapes and Sizes
- Reading
- Nouns and Adjectives
- Numbers
- Short Answers
- and many more!
Price: $45.00 USD
Code: onkids10
EFL/ESL Lesson Plans – All Levels
278 pages of activities, handouts, and quizzes for all levels and all ages!
Activities include:
- Young Learners Phonics
- Body Parts
- Clothing
- English Beginner Grammar
- The Weather
- What Time Is It
- Cultural Differences
- Holidays and Celebrations
- Comparative and Superlatives
- Upper – Intermediate Grammar
- Question Tags
- Speaking Skills
- Asking Questions
- Survival English
- The Neighborhood
- and many, many more!
Price: $80.00 USD
Code: onalllevel16
EFL/ESL Short Stories with Exercises
62 pages of various short stories with exercises and quizzes, ideal for intermediate to advanced levels.
Reading Comprehension stories include the following activities:
- Quizzes
- Tests
- Gap fill
- Matching
- True and false
- Multiple Choice
Price: $35.00 USD
Code: onshort15
English Writing – Practice Activities
19 pages of advice, tips, handouts, and activities for improving English writing skills.
Activities include:
- Spelling: Common Words That Sound Alike
- Capitals
- Frequently Misspelled Words
- Writing Newspaper
- Writing An Interview
- Writing Numbers
- Writing Using Linkers Or Prepositions
- Describing People
- and others.
Price: $25.00 USD
Code: onengwr19
ESL Grammar Exercises and Handouts
45 pages of ready to use activities for your classroom, mostly beginner and intermediate level. Handouts include:
- Adjectives – Opposites
- Adjectives – Beginner
- Can and Can’t
- Character Adjectives
- Countable and Uncountable
- Definition of Articles
- Grammar Lesson – Present Continuous
- Grammar Quiz
- Direct and Indirect Questions
- Mixed Grammar Exercises – Intermediate
- Passive Voice
- Prepositions
- and many more!
Price: $35.00 USD
Code: ongram06

Job Search and Interview Techniques for Today’s Marketplace
(Included in any TEFL Course) 85 pages of advice and tips for the competitive and fierce industry worldwide. Some of the topics discussed are:
- Great Schools are Looking For
- Responding to a Job Advertisement and Requesting an Interview
- Responding to a Request for Your Resume
- Applying for Temporary Employment in a Foreign Country
- The Cover Letter
- The Resume
- Creating your Resume
- How to Write an Amazing Resume
- A Model Structure for a TEFL Resume
- Job Search Techniques
- Teaching Around the Globe
- Are You Ready for This?
- Regional Opportunities Overseas
- Being an English Teacher
- How to Land the Interview
- Do’s and Don’ts
- Common Interview Questions
- Resources and much more!
Price: $50.00 USD
Code: onjob02
TIPS for Teaching ESL
15 pages of tips and advice for teaching English students with various topics such as:
- What do ESL students look for in a good teacher?
- The Good ESL Teacher
- Guidelines to Effective Lesson Planning
- Guide to the Different Levels of English Language Learning
- Error Correction
- and others.
A great tool for brand new teachers!
Price: $50.00 USD
Code: oncom01
TOEFL Practice Tests
65 pages of material, handouts, practice tests and essays for TOEFL preparation.
Topics include:
- TOEFL Structure And Written Expression Practice
- TOEFL Reading Comprehension
- An Overview of the Verb Tenses
- TOEFL Practice Quizzes and Tests
- Cause and Effect Essays
- Compare and Contrast Essays
- Descriptive Essays
- Illustrative Essays
- Interpretation Analysis Essays
- Persuasive Essays
- The TOEFL Essay
- And many others!
Price: $35.00 USD
Code: ontoefl18
Verb Tenses – Practice Activities
25 pages of verb tenses practice activities, handouts, and review including:
- Verb Tense Overview
- Simple Present
- Simple Past
- Simple Future
- Present Perfect Continuous
- Present Perfect
- Present Continuous
- Past Perfect
- Past Perfect Continuous
- Past Continuous
- Future Perfect
- Future Perfect Continuous
- Future Continuous
From beginner to advanced levels.
Price: $25.00 USD
Code: onverb09
First Time In The TEFL Industry Or Graduate’s Perfect Kit:
This package includes the following e-books:
- Communicactivities (84 Pages)
- A Model Structure for A TEFL Resume (3 pages)
- TIPS for teaching ESL (15 pages)
- Job Search and Interview Techniques for Today’s Marketplace (85 pages)
186 pages total!
Price: $95.00 USD
Code: onfirstt20

Funactivities – Teacher’s material for Young Learner’s:Fun and knowledge for your students!
- ESL Grammar Exercises and Handouts (45 pages)
- EFL/ESL Games and Activities (26 pages)
- EFL /ESL Kid’s Material (83 pages)
- EFL/ESL Handouts – Reading Comprehension (16 pages)
- EFL/ ESL Activities – Verbs and Tenses (35 pages)
- Vocabulary (11 pages)
Pages total if combined: 216
Price: $95.00 USD
Code: onfunac21
Savvy Teacher’s Complete Set:
A kit of different products perfect for your students of all levels and all ages, 229 pages total. Don’t leave home without this!
- TIPS for teaching ESL (15 pages)
- ESL Grammar Exercises and Handouts – beginner (45 pages)
- EFL/ESL Games and Activities – young learners (11 pages)
- Verb Tenses – Practice Activities – intermediate (25 pages)
- Reading Comprehension – intermediate (16 pages)
- EFL/ESL Activities – Idioms and Phrasal Verbs
– intermediate to advanced (36 pages)
- EFL/ESL Short Stories with Exercises – intermediate to advanced (62 pages)
- English Writing – Practice Activities – advanced (19 pages)
Price: $95.00 USD
Code: onsavvy23
Time Saving Activities!
Intermediate to Advanced student’s handouts and Activities Full Set:
- Pronouns (11 pages)
- Verb Tenses – Practice Activities (25 pages)
- EFL/ESL Activities – Modal Verbs (19 pages)
- EFL/ESL Activities – Idioms and Phrasal Verbs (36 pages)
- EFL/ESL Short Stories with Exercises (62 pages)
Pages total if combined: 153
Price: $95.00 USD
Code: ontimes22
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